Re: Network types

Hi Andy,

It should be the same procedure:

1. Click on Network in a contact's profile page.
2. Choose the other contacts who are related to this contact, then click on Define.
3. On the top half you will see a list of predefined relations. You can scroll down this list to see other options. Coworker should be one of the predefined options.
4. If you can't find the predefined option you want, you can create a new one by scrolling to the bottom of this list (still on the top half of the screen). You will see an option called "Add New Relation". Select this.
4. Fill out the relation and opposite relation. So if you want to create a new relation called Parent, enter that in the relation name field.
5. The opposite relation represents what the current contact's relation is with this contact. So you could write "Child" or if you want to be more specific you could create separate relations for "Parent (Son)" and "Parent (Daughter)".
6. Click on Save to save this new relation. It should now be available to use with all contacts.

Let me know if any of these steps don't work for you, or if I can answer any other questions.


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